34,203 research outputs found

    Cultural Links, Firm Heterogeneity and the Intensive and Extensive Margins of International Trade

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    It is well known that cultural links between countries increase bilateral trade. In this paper we exploit Portuguese firm-level data on exports to 199 destinations to investigate the questions: How? Do cultural links increase the number of exporters, or the shipments per exporter? What is the role of firm heterogeneity? The results reveal that cultural links, measured by common language/colonial ties and emigrant communities, are significantly associated with a lower incidence of within-firm export zeros and with larger shipments per exporter. Furthermore, they show that the former of these relationships tends to be magnified by firm size, suggesting that firm heterogeneity is key in shaping the interplay between cultural links and the extensive margin of international trade.Colonial ties, migration, firm heterogeneity, intensive and extensive margins

    Partial Classification of Lorenz Knots: Syllable Permutations of Torus Knots Words

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    We define families of aperiodic words associated to Lorenz knots that arise naturally as syllable permutations of symbolic words corresponding to torus knots. An algorithm to construct symbolic words of satellite Lorenz knots is defined. We prove, subject to the validity of a previous conjecture, that Lorenz knots coded by some of these families of words are hyperbolic, by showing that they are neither satellites nor torus knots and making use of Thurston's theorem. Infinite families of hyperbolic Lorenz knots are generated in this way, to our knowledge, for the first time. The techniques used can be generalized to study other families of Lorenz knots

    Case Study in Intellectual Capital and Territorial Development: Analysing Portuguese Local Governments WEB Pages

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    Multiple authors argue that the digital infrastructure of municipalities and regions, such as websites, have an important role to play in local and regional development since they enable the access and sharing of information, knowledge and the provision of certain services. Functioning as an entrance way to a territory, the websites provide important contributions in the knowledge and intellectual capital management activities. In this sense, an evaluation of websites is a core activity for the updating of content and delivery of services, contributing to their best management in the context of e-government. However, there are a limited number of studies on evaluation of websites from the perspective of intellectual capital, although the importance of this asset, either in business or public sector, and also to the development of territories is recognized. So, this study intend to show the importance of intellectual capital in the public sector, more specifically on local government, by assessing the intellectual capital of its web pages by implementing a model of intellectual capital for the public sector

    Regularization of Discontinuous Foliations: Blowing up and Sliding Conditions via Fenichel Theory

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    We study the regularization of an oriented 1-foliation F\mathcal{F} on MΣM \setminus \Sigma where MM is a smooth manifold and ΣM\Sigma \subset M is a closed subset, which can be interpreted as the discontinuity locus of F\mathcal{F}. In the spirit of Filippov's work, we define a sliding and sewing dynamics on the discontinuity locus Σ\Sigma as some sort of limit of the dynamics of a nearby smooth 1-foliation and obtain conditions to identify whether a point belongs to the sliding or sewing regions.Comment: 32 page